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Christmas Challenge

Dear Prayer-Partners,

It is time for the annual Christmas challenge!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..."

We are nearing the time of the year when we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Folks will be rushing here and there trying to find the perfect gift for each person on their list. There will be Christmas programs in churches and the spirit of giving will be more evident than at any other time of the year. is the challenge...:

How would you feel if all your family and friends had a huge birthday party for you and celebrated by giving each other gifts but did not give you anything? Sorry to say, that is how Christmas plays out in most peoples' lives. They celebrate Christmas by giving to one another but do not give anything to the Lord.

I like to challenge people with something I started years ago. Keep track of every dollar you spend on Christmas, then total it up and make a gift to the Lord for the same amount. It will do two things...first, it will keep you thinking about Christ during Christmas, and, second, it will likely keep your spending down when you know you will have to double it!

So...I pray that this challenge will encourage many of you to do something special for the Lord Jesus Christ as you celebrate His birthday.

God bless you all,

Pastor Dave & Ceres

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